About this website

The website is hosted by Thomas (Germany). He is visiting NIM regularly and sees this page as a support for the local NIM teams. The hosting and the updating is free of charge, so there will be no costs for the NIM team.

Unfortunately this page does not run on a database, but is programmed with plain HTML, so you cannot login and update yourself.

Process of putting NIM informations online

  1. When the local organisation team for the next NIM is decides please contact Thomas early. Just send the date and location of the NIM for an early announcement. It is good for people to know early.
  2. Send Thomas one emailadress, which you use for the registration. He will programm a little application form. The last NIM organizes found it really helpful, to have an organized registration process. All people can register with this form. Each registration will be send via Email to this Emailaccount, so you will have all the data.
  3. Then send the following information:
    • Travel information (airport, train, bus). Please also send links to timetables. The informations should be really precise, as this helps to plan ones trip.
    • Information about food and accomodation
    • Information about registration and prices
    • Ask for people, who want to give a workshop or a leading into a jam
    • Ask for special diets, like glutenfree or lactosefree, vegan food. This is really important to know
  4. Thomas has programmed an Microsoft Excel Sheet, which helps to organise the Registration and Payment. You can download it: Registration Excel Sheet (click with right mouse button and "Save target as ..". If you have any questions, ask Thomas :-).